Our pre-employment exams offer a standardized and objective method to assess candidates during the hiring process. These exams are crafted to gather essential data on candidates’ capabilities, ensuring that your hiring decisions are informed, fair, and compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

The ADA sets forth guidelines to prevent discrimination in the workplace, including during the pre-employment phase. Our services are designed with these regulations in mind, ensuring that:

  • All physical exams respect the privacy and rights of candidates.
  • Exams are conducted only after a job offer has been made, focusing on job-related functions.
  • We help you navigate the ADA requirements, ensuring your hiring process is not only compliant but also promotes a diverse and inclusive workplace.



Our pre-employment exams offer a standardized and objective method to assess candidates during the hiring process. These exams are crafted to gather essential data on candidates’ capabilities, ensuring that your hiring decisions are informed, fair, and compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

The ADA sets forth guidelines to prevent discrimination in the workplace, including during the pre-employment phase. Our services are designed with these regulations in mind, ensuring that:

  • All physical exams respect the privacy and rights of candidates.
  • Exams are conducted only after a job offer has been made, focusing on job-related functions.
  • We help you navigate the ADA requirements, ensuring your hiring process is not only compliant but also promotes a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Most of the rules pertaining to pre-employment physical exams are covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA applies to private companies with 15 or more employees. It also applies to state and local government employers, employment agencies, and labor unions.

This legislation makes it illegal to discriminate against employees, or job seekers, based on disability. It also covers a number of other potential areas of discrimination, such as transportation, public accommodations, and access to state and local services.

Why Choose Our Pre-Employment Exam Services?

  • Expertise: Our team is knowledgeable about the ADA and other employment laws, ensuring that your pre-employment testing process is both compliant and effective.
  • Customization: We understand that every organization is unique. Our services can be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of your business.
  • Support: From initial consultation to the final report, we provide ongoing support to ensure that your pre-employment testing process is seamless and stress-free.

Most of the rules pertaining to pre-employment physical exams are covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA applies to private companies with 15 or more employees. It also applies to state and local government employers, employment agencies, and labor unions.

This legislation makes it illegal to discriminate against employees, or job seekers, based on disability. It also covers a number of other potential areas of discrimination, such as transportation, public accommodations, and access to state and local services.

Why Choose Our Pre-Employment Exam Services?

  • Expertise: Our team is knowledgeable about the ADA and other employment laws, ensuring that your pre-employment testing process is both compliant and effective.
  • Customization: We understand that every organization is unique. Our services can be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of your business.
  • Support: From initial consultation to the final report, we provide ongoing support to ensure that your pre-employment testing process is seamless and stress-free.